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MMD > Archives > March 2018 > 2018.03.27 > 02Prev  Next

Rebuilding Wind Motor Sliding Valves
By Jim Wade

Hello!  I read with interest several recent posts regarding the
Pratt-Read 6-point wind motor.  A newly acquired 1923 Straube player is
cleaning up and coming along nicely except for the 6-point wind motor.

On arrival the Straube only wheezed even with furious pumping.  The
last glue job on the top three little bellows was giving way, so 
I chipped off the old carefully, reglued carefully, and the Straube
came to life (in a weakened condition, still needing too much pumping).

Next I tackled the pumping bellows unit which would hold vacuum for
about six seconds.  By shellacking cracked old boards and tightening
screws I got the pumping unit to hold vacuum for 15 seconds, but no
improvement in performance.  

Back to the wind motor.  Slowing the crankshaft with my fingers while
pumping firmly, I notice that the wind motor hisses only with the
crankshaft in three particular positions.  So I removed the teeter-totter 
boards and found what you see in the photos.  

Are the sliders and their mating surfaces leaking?  Would a good
graphite rubdown fix this situation, or am I looking at a resurfacing 
to stop the leaks? 

Thanks to all at MMD for providing such a broad range of information
and technical knowledge which helps others to preserve and enjoy these
irreplaceable antiques.

Jim Wade

 [   1923 Straube wind motor
 [   1923 Straube wind motor slider
 [   1923 Straube wind motor ports

(Message sent Tue 27 Mar 2018, 01:17:13 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Motor, Rebuilding, Sliding, Valves, Wind

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