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MMD > Archives > March 2018 > 2018.03.14 > 04Prev  Next

1930 Ampico B "Subdue" Modifying Switch
By Mike Nicholls

Greetings from this side of the "Pond."  I can find very little
information on the operation and tubing of the "modifying" switch
on my 1930 Ampico B.  It appears to be a simple two position switch
(either on or off) hidden under the belly cloth and it is connected
by fairly large tubing.

I notice that later models have a switch in the centre front of the
left hand drawer cover.  Does a fellow MMDer know if it is possible
to reposition a switch nearer to the operator?  My questions are
(1) what type of switch, that is commercially available, would be
suitable to use, and (2) what bore of tubing would it be necessary
to use?

I would be reluctant to drill the drawer cover but I am sure a suitable
place could be found within an arms length of the drawer in its open
position.  I am not a purist and function is far more important than
originality.  I have recently fitted one of the A/B Translators and
find the results are first class and an improvement on the original
playing of Ampico 'A' rolls, so anything that is an improvement is okay
by me.

Greetings from the UK,
Mike Nicholls [delete ".geentroep" to reply]

 [ Your modifying (subdue) mechanism might be an early, undocumented
 [ version.  The "Subdue" production version of circa 1932 was
 [ controlled by a simple single-channel two-port rotary switch mounted
 [ in the left side drawer compartment.  When in the Subdue position,
 [ suction was applied via a small hose to a pouch on the underside of
 [ the expanded First Intensity Adjuster unit.  Some information and
 [ an illustration is at
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Wed 14 Mar 2018, 16:30:27 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  1930, Ampico, B, Modifying, Subdue, Switch

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