I confess to using QRS dance roll MIDIs to generate "aural
wallpaper" but I yearn for a bit of expression. This led to
experiments with the artificial adjustment of note velocities.
The technique makes no attempt to analyse the music but simply
adjusts the note velocities using information derived from the
distribution of the perforations. The results are interesting and,
to my ears, slightly more agreeable than no expression at all.
An example is attached.
The technique is very simple and there's nothing secret about it.
I'll be happy to describe it if anyone is interested.
Richard Stibbons
Lowestoft, UK
[ QRS 7664 with Synthesized Expression
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/17/08/01/170801_234804_7664S%20Synthesised%20Expression.MID
[ QRS 7664 as scanned with notes at fixed velocity
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/17/08/01/170801_234804_7664S%20No%20Expression.MID