I have a Poughkeepsie Licensee issue of Welte-Mignon roll 2905,
which was initially issued as incorrectly numbered roll 2005.
The roll label states the recording is of Mireille (Waltz), by
Goodall, played by Goodall, roll number 2005.
The excellent Smith-Howe Welte rollography identifies the composer
as Gounod, which makes sense, as he wrote an opera called Mireille.
After all, Goodall is very likely a pseudonym for Richard Epstein,
so he is unlikely to be the composer.
But my musical colleague, Glenn Amer, confirmed the work is not the
Mireille Waltz, and in fact it does not appear at all in the Gounod
opera. We downloaded the score and checked. This was confirmed by
a well-known local conductor who knows all the earlier operas.
The composition sounds French, and is not the work of an amateur.
Maybe an MMD reader can help. With a wrong roll number and wrong
composer, we seem to have the triple whammy of wrong title as well!
Peter Phillips
[ MP3 file of unknown piece issued on Welte Licensee roll 2905
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/17/07/08/170708_205947_Mireille%20Waltz%20(Gounod)%20Goodall.mp3
[ Welte-Mignon music rolls numbered 2778 through about 3096 were
[ recorded in Freiburg before the onset of the Great War in 1914,
[ before Licensee production began. Ref. the Smith-Howe Welte
[ rollography. -- Robbie