The Association of Musical Box Collectors is entering its fourth
year. We have a strong and growing international and UK membership
base. UK single-member membership is only £12 (£14 for two),
Europe £20 (two, £22) USA and the rest of the world £25 (two, £27).
For this low cost we produce and post four high quality full color
journals each year and maintain our website. Go to our website by
"Googling" the Association of Musical Box Collectors to see our wide
range of productions for members and associated members of other
Our AGM is on Sunday 4th June 2017 at The Old School, Guildford Road,
Bucks Green, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 3JP. Potential members are
welcome to contact either Ted Brown: 01403 823533 or Paul Bellamy: [delete ".geentroep" to reply].
Our limited edition and award-winning book, The Music Makers of
Switzerland, is available at a cost recovery price to members and
associates of £70 (non-members £75) plus P&P. This is a 305-page
full colour 12 x 8-1/2-inch book with 875 illustrations and 350 cross
references to the works of eminent authors of the past 60 years.
We also have:-
- A unique CD: How to make a musical box by Don Busby - £5 plus P&P.
- A full colour booklet: An Introduction to Mechanical Music - £5
plus P&P.
- A musical box CD by Joe Berman, - £5 plus P&P.
Our wide-ranging publication has covered the following topics:
- Snuffbox history, an Aubert movement, painted ivory casework.
- Manivelles.
- Cylinder musical box terminology: Mandolines, organocleide, longue
marche, plerodienique and other cylinder box types.
- An introduction to and the history of automata.
- Organettes - Things to look for when buying. The Gem organette
and other makes.
- A late Georgian English barrel piano.
- Music from the 18th century. Musical box music & composers,
- An uncommon Ducommun - the story of an orchestral musical box.
- The Eldorado barrel piano orchestrion.
- The Porter twin-disc musical box.
- Yesterday's toys, tomorrow's antiques - Fisher price.
- Marottes. Making a marotte - children's musical toys of old and new!
- Musical boxes by Alliez & Burguier, l'Epee, Ducommun, Alibert,
Nicole, Lecoultre, Alder.
- The Hicks barrel piano's history and restoration.
- M. J. Paillard of New York City - rare information found in archives.
- The EMG gramophone - A personal recollection about the maker E. M. Ginn.
- Photograph albums.
- Small musical boxes and their lids.
- Gevril, a recurring name on small musical boxes.
- The story of Big Ben.
- Christian Rischard and his musical tortoise.
- Herephons and the musical box maker HM LG.
- The Aeolian Orchestrelle.
- The Steinway Spirio reproducing piano.
- The Anglo-French Music Company.
- Restoration: A sectional comb movement. A singing bird box. Fisher
Price toys. Repairing a tune sheet using computer graphics. Repairing
modern ceramic electronic souvenirs. A Martinet et Benoit musical box
restoration. Tips on furniture cleaners, cylinder pin straightening.
Paul Bellamy - Association of Musical Box Collectors