Whew! When I first saw John's posting title, I thought, "Oh no!
Something's happened to John and where will we get parts _now?"_
But John was just saying he's no longer out there tuning pianos,
nor rebuilding them, as he's too busy making and selling player stuff.
The "too busy" part is good, it shows that at least there's enough
interest still out there to keep a supplier in business.
Now John, I may have to see a cardiologist after reading your posting
title; please be a bit more selective in your wording in the future!
And wishing you all the best too.
David Dewey
[ I must take the blame for the alarming subject line, "John Tuttle's
[ Player Piano Service Closed", which had to fit within our 72-column
[ limit. But it's accurate! Visit http://www.player-care.com/
[ -- Robbie