Twelve "garden variety" 88-note rolls advertised locally for $100.
One roll was a song that I knew and liked, and I wanted that roll.
I offered the seller $10 for that one roll. Even that was overpriced
but probably worth that to me.
The seller replied that he will not break up the lot. I nicely pointed
out that somewhere around $2 per roll was the high end of fair market
value, and I offered $24 for the lot. He replied, "If I can't get what
they are worth I will burn them in the wood stove for heat rather than
give them away." By 'worth', he meant his price, not market value.
I replied back, "If they are going into the wood stove, let me know;
I'll still give you $10 for that one roll then." I never heard back.
Does anyone have any better response to give a seller, or know of
a better way to deal with people like this? This general situation
probably applies regularly to sellers of all kinds of collectibles.
David Schroeder