In foot-pump use the Pedal-Electric Duo-Art [PEDA] works exactly like a standard Pianola and needs very little pumping effort (assuming it's airtight, of course). The "Theme" half of the Duo-Art expression box cuts out automatically, and the Pianolist only has to pedal the accent level, leaving the expression coding to provide the Accompaniment level automatically.
For the technically-minded, the expression box has two separate Theme valves in it: one for automatic playing where a Theme accent switches between the regulated Accompaniment suction and the regulated Theme suction, and a separate valve for foot-pumping where an accent switches between regulated Accompaniment suction and the main unregulated (foot-pumped) suction supply.
Have a look at my web page that gives some details about the system; it's from an article I wrote many years ago for a magazine. I don't offer a diagram of the expression box innards, but detail the tubing of the control logic and bits otherwise hard to find.
These instruments are commonplace in the UK, easier to find than the electric-only version. The expression boxes I'm used to differ in detail from the standard American production but the logic should be the same. I've never seen a US-made PEDA, though.
Julian Dyer