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MMD > Archives > November 2016 > 2016.11.27 > 05Prev  Next

FS: Pin-end Rolls, Also Aeolian & Welte-Mignon
By Darleen Stewart

In cleaning out my home after my late husband's passing, I found a box
with four types of antique piano rolls.  All are very old (100 years,
more or less) in "good" condition (very minor edge tearing at start of
roll or "very good" (like new) playing condition.  Each roll is in its
original, labeled box, all rolls are 11-1/4 inches wide.

For Welte Mignon (each roll holder indented at end)

A-6756. Comic Song (The Mosquito) Russian Folk Song, arranged by Cady.
  1912. Played by Harriette Cady. Deluxe Reproducing Player Roll.
  Roll: very good condition.

B-7340. A Cottage Small by a Waterfall, by Henley. 1926. Played by
  Oscar Haase. Deluxe Reproducing Record. Roll: good condition.

B-6620. Barcarolle (Tales of Hoffman) by Offenbach. n.d. Played by
  Mettler Davis. Welte-Mignon Reproducing Record. Roll: good condition.

For 88-note Themodist Metrostyle -- The Aeolian Company (each holder
  indented with slot at one end) 301892. Symphony Op. 56, No. 3, A minor
  (Scotch) Third Movement; Adagio by Mendelssohn. n.d. Roll: good

Connorized Music Co, N. Y. with pin at each end of roll holder
  107. Les Cloches du Monastere Nocturne by Wely. n.d. Roll: very good
  37. Fifth Nocturne by Lebach. n.d. Roll: good.

For Angelus (with pin at each end of roll holder)
0609. The Caliph of Bagdad Overture by Boieldieu. 1902. Made by
  Perforated Music Roll, N.Y. Roll: good condition.
45007. The Mocking Bird Variations by Webber. 1906. Made by Wilcox &
  White Company, Conn. Roll: good condition.

I am asking $7 for each roll, or $6 each if you buy two or more rolls,
plus the actual cost for USPS Media mailing plus tracking.  Contact

Darleen Stewart
Pomona, California [remove ".geentroep" to reply]

(Message sent Mon 28 Nov 2016, 01:02:13 GMT, from time zone GMT-0800.)

Key Words in Subject:  Aeolian, Also, FS, Pin-end, Rolls, Welte-Mignon

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