I have been asked to invite people to a special open house for the
private collection at the Cranker's Museum in Honesdale, Pennsylvania,
scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 12, 2016, from noon to 4:00 PM.
Cranker's Museum is a private collection of antique and classic cars
and mechanical musical instruments that is not open to the public. You
can view the museum's website at http://www.crankerscollection.com/
This event will include a concert during lunch played on the Percy
Grainger Steinway Duo-Art piano. Besides this we will hear a
Wurlitzer nickelodeon, Verbeeck hand-cranked organ, Hatwell Brothers
carousel organ, Mortier organ, various cylinder and music boxes and
more. You will also be able to peruse the many cars in the collection.
If you own an antique or classic car you are encouraged to drive it to
the event. The full program is below.
This event is free and includes lunch, but reservations are necessary.
Please make your reservations through me, Vincent Morgan. I will need
to know your name, the names of those accompanying you and a phone
number where you can be reached. Please RSVP to me by Wednesday, Nov.
9th, 6:00 PM Eastern time.
Vincent Morgan - Lady Liberty Chapter, AMICA
vincentwmorgan@gmail.com.geentroep [delete ".geentroep" to reply]
- - -
Cranker's Collection of Mechanical Marvels Presents Fall Musicale
Featuring a Collection of Organs and Automatic Music
November 12, 2016, 12:00 PM TO 4:00 PM
Schedule of events:
12:00 to 12:45 View small collection items and classic car museum.
Wurlitzer nickelodeon, Verbeeck hand cranked organ, cylinder and
disc music boxes.
12:45 to 1:30 Luncheon concert with the Percy Grainger Steinway
Duo-Art. Composers: Mozart, Conrad, Beethoven, Bach and others.
Performances by Rudolf Ganz, Victor Arden, Adam Carroll, Percy
Grainger, Ignace Paderewski and others.
1:30 to 2:15 The Hatwell Brothers carousel organ. Music arrangements
by various composers including original books arranged by the organ
builder Jimmy Verbeeck. This organ played for many years in the UK
as part of the Hatwell Brothers travelling circus. We have a large
collection of music books that will be available for inspection, many
of them have not been heard in many years. Attendees can select tunes
they would like to hear.
2:15 to 3:00 Mortier organ concert 80-key travelling dance hall organ
and 84 key cafe orchestrion. Music by various composers and arrangers.
New music arrangements by Tom Meijer for both organs. Guests will be
able to look over the music books for these organs and select tunes
they would like to hear.
3:00 to 4:00 Free time to explore the museum and hear instruments by
Cranker's Collection of Mechanical Marvels
1012 Creamton Dr, Honesdale, PA 18431
For additional information contact
Vincent Morgan - Lady Liberty Chapter, AMICA
vincentwmorgan@gmail.com.geentroep [delete ".geentroep" to reply]