With this issue of the MMD, we have transitioned to mailing all 3000+
subscribers using a "pay-to-send" mailing service. I sent a test message
out yesterday using the new service to all subscribers. I worded the
message awkwardly and some people ended up visiting the website of
the mailing service. It is not a secret who I use, but I was not
intending to make my test message look like a marketing message from
that company and it was not necessary to go to their website at all.
For that, I apologize. We've had about 30 unsbuscribes so far. I
suspect that some of the people that unsubscribed were people who signed
up for the MMD ages ago but weren't receiving it and are no longer
interested. But I am afraid that some unsubscribed because they
saw an unintended marketing message unrealated to Mechanical Music.
If you are one of the people who unsubscribed because of that,
are reading this on the website rather than in your e-mail, and still
want your MMD, please let us know through the contact form. The link
is at the bottom of EVERY website page.
Thanks for your interest in the MMD!