A friend of mine works in the mechanical music business rebuilding
pianos and building new orchestrions. He knows I have a Wurlitzer
105 build going, yet I'm about five years behind schedule due to many
family interruptions. Anyhow, he has come across four sets of partial
105 build components that he is selling as sets. After seeing them,
I bought one set for myself.
I can say without hesitation that the quality of components and
woodworking is fantastic, otherwise I wouldn't post about them here.
This group is too savvy to be bothered with junk. The sets include
windchest, pallet chest, pressure pump, vacuum pump, a subset of
completed pipes and the top carving. These parts are complete and
ready to go into an organ.
I am not selling these and am not involved in any transactions.
If you are interested in getting more information about these pieces
and pictures, you need to contact Brad McClincy by phone or email.
If you do a Google search on Brad's name, the first hit will most
likely be "Brad's Bees" and that website has his phone number. (He
is the local bee inspector for the state of Ohio which has him working
18-hour days right now!) Or you can email Brad at
bemcclincy@gmail.com.geentroep [delete ".geentroep" to reply]
A Google search will also give you Brad's LinkedIn profile, his YouTube
channel, and other links. He is not a man of mystery! Another reference:
David Jones
ukewarrior@yahoo.com.geentroep [delete ".geentroep" to reply]