[ Ref. Dave Krall in 160918 MMDigest ]
Regarding Mr. Krall's suggestion that perhaps lacquer can be used over
a colored sub-coat, that is exactly how I finish pipes that I make.
I use clear lacquer in a spray can over a light wiped coat of golden
oak. This mimics quite closely the "orange shellac" finish of older
organ pipes. Over a period of perhaps 20 years, I have had no problems
with durability. Of course, that's a short period of time in pipe
organ years, but no issues have cropped up to date.
This method goes quicker and faster than shellac and the finish quality
is better, too. It is suitable for small numbers of band organ-sized
pipes, but may not be practical for production and large pipework.
I can't remember exactly what I used to mimic Wurlitzer's parts finish.
I think it was clear lacquer over a walnut stain wipe.
Dave Vincent