The "CPC" mentioned by Mary Doerr in her posting to the 16.08.23 MMD
is, according to the list of makers' marks published by the MBSGB,
a Paillard mark. The list says "Caroline Paillard" from Oct 1865, for
E. A. Paillard." But Ord-Hume says "Charles Paillard."
Consulting H.A.V. Bulleid's "Musical Box Tune Sheets," which dates
some makers' serial numbers, may help to date the Paillard with serial
number 127745. Lacking such information but knowing the titles of the
tunes on a cylinder (provided that it is not a box with interchangeable
cylinders) and researching the composition dates of the tunes can
sometimes suggest an approximate date for the box's manufacture and
also the market for which the box was intended.
Matthew Caulfield
Irondequoit, NY