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MMD > Archives > July 2016 > 2016.07.27 > 01Prev  Next

MBSI 1985 Band Organ Rally in Fremont, Ohio
By Tim Wagner

Greetings!  I'm writing to thank all the kind folks who responded to my
query regarding the program from the 1985 MBSI Mid-Am band organ rally
in Fremont, Ohio.  Many helpful MMD folks have responded to my query,
three of which have programs from the rally and are willing to share
them, so I am all set for now.

The 1985 Fremont, Ohio, rally was my first band organ rally.  I was
24 at the time, attending with a friend who introduced me to the hobby.
We did not register for the rally, attending for one day (Saturday) as
spectators.  This is why I don't have a copy of the program.

I recall being overwhelmed with the number of instruments there (44
small and 71 large!), especially the brass trumpet models.  It was
quite incredible!  After having listened to recordings of Belgian dance
organs for years, that was the first time I heard one in person.  What
a treat!  I recorded much music of 'Apollonia', the Mortier-Decap that
Bob Brown had set up in the building.  I fondly recall Decap party time
in the building after dinner Saturday night.

In addition to shooting some 35 mm slides at the rally (mostly machines,
very few people), I also recorded two 90-minute audiocassettes of music
from many of the organs.  I've recently begun having some of my audio
cassette recordings digitized, including the two tapes I recorded at
the 1985 Fremont rally.  I'm looking to identify some of the instruments
on the recordings (and their owners), as well as some of the instruments
captured on the slides.

I also wish to thank Matthew Caulfield for his kind welcome and
introduction to the MMDigest.  The hospitality extended to me clearly
illustrates the generous community that abounds in MMD.  Thank you all
and God Bless!

Tim Wagner

(Message sent Wed 27 Jul 2016, 04:11:40 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  1985, Band, Fremont, MBSI, Ohio, Organ, Rally

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