If you look at your typical A roll then the first three holes starting
on the left are soft pedal, sustain pedal, and play. Play is the long
slot at the beginning of the roll telling the mechanics of the machine
to stop rewinding and switch to play position. First playing note is
hole four, typically a "C"; the last playing note is typically "A".
There are fifty-eight playing notes, from hole four up through hole
sixty-one. Hole sixty-two is used in pianos to turn on extra
instrument. Hole sixty-three is the rewind hole, sixty-four is the
mandolin rail and sixty-five works the shut-off mechanism.
I have seen calliopes tubed several different ways over the years.
Since the calliope has fewer pipes then one can decide what notes are
going to be coupled (or as they say, "teed") into the octave above or
below. I believe there are directions for tubing a calliope in the
the Reblitz book, "Player Piano: Servicing and Rebuilding." It is
a must-have book for anyone working on the player piano.
Don Teach
Shreveport, Louisiana