Kind Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologize if I gave the impression the
roller I posted earlier for the Joseph Schumacher Flute Clock was for
sale. It actually belongs to a Flute clock, it is not an orphan, it
is the second of two rollers. My business partner and I posted the
message to see what amount of interest it generated and to find an
expert in flute clocks who would be willing to help evaluate what we
have here. We are moving cautiously into the field as, frankly, we
need to maximize the potential of this clock while still keeping the
cost fair to a potential buyer/collector. My thanks to those who have
responded so far.
Let me tell you about our clock. We know that it is indeed a Joseph
Schumacher, the roller in the box matches the roller on the machine.
Our clock is very similar to the one sold in 2000 listed in the Antique
Clock Identification & Price Guide,
The clock is about 98% complete, missing the pendulum, the crank
handle and the mechanism to actuate the music is not attached. We did
hang the large weight (all three are there) and get the music mechanism
to work, it does need restoration to make it sound correct. We did not
attempt to get the clock to work without the pendulum.
The clock mechanism is labeled C. Kuss & Sons. The two rolls each have
eight songs. There are sixteen flutes and sixteen pipes.
Here is a YouTube link to the flute clock playing, or at least trying
to play:
We purchased this clock to sell, any information or inquiries would
be greatly appreciated.
Ray Lewandowski