Thanks to all who expressed interest, and all who re-sent their
inquiries after my iPad "vaporized" their first and second messages.
(Even "Apple Support" couldn't explain that one!)
The "Ragtime Player Piano Company" O-roll frame with a noisy
transmission, missing tracker bar and roll chucks, went to someone
who didn't care about these issues, because I suspected that he'd
be the only one. (But fear not: I may know where there is another,
perhaps "vintage" model, in a barn with other "nickelodeon parts".)
The Cable expression piano pump and motor are still available, as
are the rolls, and four reproducing pianos (and four "famous name"
non-player pianos, upright and grand).
I was able to negotiate a temporary rent-freeze with the national chain
that bought the storage facility, but rents might still rise soon, and
the new owners' policy is "No activity!" (spaces must be used only for
storage) so all remains for sale. As most of the interest was in the
rolls, it's apparent that they need to be organized and listed. (I'll
be working on that.)
Few offers came in on the pianos, and none "stuck", so I hope that
anyone interested will contact me again, even with offers to haul them
off for free (though cash offers, if any, will of course get priority).
And as my iPad doesn't now allow me to collect inquiries in "folders",
it would be a good idea for anyone who has written before to do so just
once more, to ensure that I have all your contact and interest info,
that I _will_ record on paper. (Now that I know what "the story is"
at the storage facility, and am less stressed, I'll be able to proceed
in an organized, methodical manner, and not lose anything again.)
Gordon Stelter
Athens, Georgia
tel.: 1-706-351-7817