Dear Everyone, I've recently encountered a Standard double-valve
system in which, amazingly, the inner facings on the secondary valves
still seem fine, and there is no corrosion on the collars, stems, or
backing plates.
Loathe to effect the difficult, time-consuming, and tricky task of
replacing all of these collars, backing plates and facings (I'll of
course replace the atmosphere-side facings), I'd like to leave them
be (after soaking the valves in lacquer thinner for a day or so, and
shaking the bottle, just to remove accumulated dust and dirt).
But I'd like to do _something_ to improve their function and longevity
(I hate just leaving things alone) so was wondering if any of the thin,
penetrating, silicone waterproofing agents that are available (such as
the one below, that is sold on Amazon) might be good to quickly soak
the valves in, before letting them thoroughly dry and reinstalling in
the stack? All comments will be appreciated.
Gordon Stelter
Athens, Georgia