British Aeolian issued quite a lot of Mayerl titles on 88-note roll
in the 1920s and 1930s. Their issue of "Marigold" (on Themodist,
Meloto and the various other labels they used) is not too rare in the
UK, but is a bit strange. After years of wondering I found out that
it's taken from the orchestral version rather than the piano version
we all know, so differs in quite a number of details both rhythmic and
melodic. Exactly why Aeolian made a piano reduction of the orchestral
version of a piano piece remains a mystery to me.
I have a scan of "Marigold", and quite a number of other Mayerl titles,
so they can be recut if anybody wants to take a custom batch of 4 rolls.
I offer the Duo-Art of "Eskimo Shivers" in my recut catalogue.
Julian Dyer