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MMD > Archives > March 2016 > 2016.03.23 > 05Prev  Next

Average Time to Rebuild a Player Piano
By Eliyahu Shahar

I'm sitting here wondering if this is a race and is there a prize at
the end...  Name that tune: I can restore the player piano in 2 weeks;
I can restore it in 10 days; I can restore it in 6 days; restore
that player piano!

I think the question here is what are you doing in your restoration?
Are you replacing all the leather and all the cloth and all the rubber?
Are you rebuilding the piano mechanism?  Was the piano previously
"restored"?  If the piano was "restored" what materials were used?

Is the piano a Simplex, Aeolian, Gulbransen or is it a Schulz?  Is it
a foot pumped 88-note player or is it an electric reproducing piano?

And your skill set -- are you a skilled amateur or are you a full-time
professional?  Are you conscientiously following accepted restoration
techniques and cleaning and sanding everything?

The last restoration I performed was an Ampico upright top-loader.
The unit valves took me one day to split apart and two days to punch
out all the needed leather and one week to clean and replace the
leather and reglue.  The action stack took me about a week, each other
component took about a day each except for the pump which was about a

Then putting it together and making it fit in the small case -- well,
that was about two weeks in itself.   Finally there was the research
to find out how the piano was tubed.  To make a couple of parts in the
shut-off for rewind and the reroll I had to drive to Santa Barbara to
find another top-loader to copy.

If this is a race, I lose!

Eli Shahar - Enjoying my Ampico, not the race to restore it!
Santa Maria, California

(Message sent Wed 23 Mar 2016, 16:25:28 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Average, Piano, Player, Rebuild, Time

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