Two Vestal Press "House Organ" photos, and an AMICA ad from the late
1970s are needed for a book I'm writing. One photo shows my 1965 Chevy
truck as modified to haul pianos, the other photo shows me holding the
side of large Seeburg shipping crate that I found nailed to the wall
of a junk shop (holding it in!) with "Seeburg, World's Largest
Manufacturer of Automatic Musical Instruments" stenciled thereupon.
It's probably from a 1976 or 1977 "House Organ" edition.
Also sought is a small box ad from probably the February, 1978, AMICA
Journal, telling of disposing of a small (24 instrument) hoard of
pianos. Attribution granted if requested. Please email or call me
privately if you can assist.
Gordon Lee Stelter
(706) 351-7817