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MMD > Archives > March 2016 > 2016.03.11 > 03Prev  Next

Average Time to Rebuild a Player Piano
By David Dewey

Hi All,  It was quiet (business-wise) this week, and we've been having
torrential rains, so (now sit down before reading the next sentence!)
I decided to work on _my own_ player piano -- well, okay, the upright
Cable Euphona Recordo, not the Welte Grand, nor my childhood upright
with a "bastardized" Simplex stack in it.

Now, my excuse for this mess in the house (the shop has no heat so
voila, new work area! Yes, my wife is _very_ understanding -- so far)
is that I need a good player to check all these piano rolls, especially
the ones I an going to trade, and my childhood piano has gotten to
the point where I get worn out pumping a single roll (okay, maybe it's
me that needs the rebuilding) and the Recordo has an electric pump
(original to the piano).

Now I've discovered some interesting things: the tubing arrangement
for the Recordo system for one, and the oddly missing small bits (roll
chain tensioner, mandolin rail stop nuts, etc.) that I will have to
fabricate.  But what my question is, since some of this is taking
longer than I thought it would take (this may be why I seem to always
under-estimate a repair job), has anyone done a "time study" on how
long it takes to do different player rebuilding tasks?

I know, almost each job is unique, but there must be a "ball-park"
figure based on an average of rebuilds.  Obviously, I haven't done
that!  Mostly (I claim) because I always get interrupted in the middle
of projects, or at the beginning, or 3/4 way through, or when the glue
pot is "just right" etc., etc.  I'm sure y'all are familiar with Mr.
Murphy and his laws; I think he's usually looking over my shoulder.

Also, was wondering if anyone else has seen this decal on a plate.
It's in the upper right hand area, where most makers put their name,
or copies of Exposition medals they've won, etc.  It's in three lines,
the top line arching over the two lower lines, "inspected" is the
second line:

  "Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
         Inspected Motor
        Operated Appliance"

Play 'em if ya got 'em!
David Dewey

(Message sent Fri 11 Mar 2016, 23:39:35 GMT, from time zone GMT-0800.)

Key Words in Subject:  Average, Piano, Player, Rebuild, Time

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