Bill Budenholzer complained that St. Louis has no player pianos.
I wish to differ; he didn't know about me.
I have been restoring player pianos in St. Louis now for more than
25 years and I seem to still be the world's best kept secret. There
were so many player pianos in St. Louis at one time that you would
often see every house on the block having one, it seemed.
I have taken calls for free player pianos most of the last two decades.
I now have too many and no floor space for more even in my new large
building. 99% of the players that found me in St. Louis are in need
of complete restoration and most have never been messed up by previous
"restorations" -- a big 'plus' to us restorers.
At one time I would get a "come get this player piano out of my way"
call about twice a week. Now I only actually take reproducers or
exotic players that come my way. Sometimes I have paid money and
sometimes none was asked.
I always spent $300 or so for the mover to pick it up until I purchased
a truck about 10 year ago. When I bought my new building I was forced
to send around 40 players to the dumpster and I still have too many in
storage. Of course I kept all the parts as we dismantled those 40
players to add to my extensive stash of parts: hinges, screws, knobs,
full stacks, et cetera. I still have many pianos stored here.
I supply the heavy bellows cloth and tested valve leather so many of
you have used in your own restorations and a few other items you can't
get from John Tuttle's supply company and he is a lifesaver in this
community. I have the largest stash of spare parts and can supply all
but the rarest of parts to those missing one from their piano.
Let's see..., I think I probably have over 100 wind motors all sorted
by maker and dozens of stacks and bellows systems. I have so many it
is sometimes a problem finding the item needed.
Occasionally I have had people send whole player systems piecemeal to
me for restoration or want the part from my collection restored before
they get it. "Friend me" on Facebook and see what I post from time to
I sent the below message to Mr. Budenholzer to welcome him to visit me
today as well:
So you live in St. Louis and you don't know you have the largest
player piano restoration facility in the country just up in Alton,
about 23 miles from the Arch? A full restoration facility and over
200 restorable player pianos are here. You are welcome to visit me
at Piano World Enterprises. Just give me a call so I can be sure
to not be out tuning or making a supply run.
Doug L. Bullock
1126 Milton Rd.
Alton, IL, 62002 USA
tel.: 1-314-772-6676 voice or text