I am trying to help a small museum in Hope, North Dakota, with their
1915 Hamilton Manualo that needs some help with its transmission
which is badly broken. The museum would like to either find a
replacement or find out how it can be repaired. I did buy a Baldwin
replacement a number of years ago from the guy in Wichita, Kansas,
but it was apparently the wrong kind.
They're also trying to figure out the linkages as they were not
properly marked when the stack was removed and so putting it back
together now is more difficult than it should be. Might someone have
some photos to show them where things go? It has the small bellows
with the vents that look like a coffee can lid.
Wes Anderson
[ Held together with string, glue, sticks, spit, bubble gum, fairy dust etc
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/11/19/151119_132454_PB170029.JPG
[ It is broken....badly
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/11/19/151119_132454_PB170036%20(1).JPG
[ need to make this piano live again...please...
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/11/19/151119_132454_P2060363%20(1).JPG