Ref: 151116 MMDigest. The hard-to-read parts at the right are
composer's names: Donizetti, Halévy, something, and Meyerbeer.
The three I could make out easily are opera composers, so the other
name seems to be Thomas.
"Grand de seigneur" is a song in Halévy's first big success, "La Juive".
Donizetti has an opera called "Caterina Cornaro". Thomas has an opera
called "Le songe d'un nuite d'ete," which is "A Midsummer-night's
Dream". Meyerbeer's best-known opera is "Le Prophete."
I still can't make out some parts. I think the first letter in
"Rochelle" is a P. I don't have another R to compare it, but it
looks like the other P's there.
That should be some help, anyway.
Kip Williams