I would be grateful for help with this difficult to read tunesheet.
It is of a good mandolin box from ca. 1870, you can hear it (in
as-found condition) on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKF5-6AdMOM
Below is what I was able to make of it so far.
1. Catherina Polka Mazurka ...
2. La ... Rachelle(?), Grand du Seigneur ...
3. Le songe d'une nuit d'été, Choeur des Gardes Chafes(?), Thomas(?)
4. Le Prophete pastorale, Sonr Berthe, moi je sonpire, Meyerbeer
Niko Wiegman
[ Hard to read tunesheet
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/11/16/151116_124333_tunesheet.jpg