With all the talk about the "A"-roll version of the excellent "Haunted
Halloween" roll (the "G" version is on my 4X now), I realized I still
need another Christmas roll. (G-520 is great, but ten Christmas songs
just isn't enough.)
I've found several "A" rolls of Christmas songs, but they won't play
on my Nelson-Wiggen 4X machine. I haven't found another "G" or "4X"
Christmas roll in the roll database, but I'm hoping there's one hiding
out there somewhere or my asking will encourage someone to make
a new one!
Once Christmas is over, I'd love to be able to put in a roll of
"winter" theme songs -- you know, stuff like "Let it Snow" and "Suzy
Snowflake". Any one know of one or have one to sell? I'm hoping the
group here can help me find one or both,
Monica Jones
So. California