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MMD > Archives > September 2015 > 2015.09.22 > 04Prev  Next

Seek Springs for Duo-Art Tracking Ears
By Tony Marsico

Hello all,  I am restoring the spool frame for a Duo-Art grand with
movable tracker bar.  In getting ready to polish the bar I removed the
tracking "ears" that stick out through the bar and idly flicking them
as I put them down I discovered that the spring on the left side one
was broken.

These are very tiny springs -- you could fit three or four on your
little fingernail.  The wire looks twice the thickness of a human hair
and it is coiled around a pin.  The long arm of the spring is what
causes the ear lever to close the tube leading to the tracker.

I haven't removed the spring yet to get a wire size.  The pin it's on
has to be removed by filing or Dremel-sanding the peened-over portion.
I am going tomorrow to check on whether "HO" train coupler springs might
do the trick.  Barring that, does anyone have a spare ear to sell?

Have you had this problem?  I could make the spring if I had the wire;
does anyone know where I could get that?


Tony Marsico
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

(Message sent Wed 23 Sep 2015, 00:15:32 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Duo-Art, Ears, Seek, Springs, Tracking

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