Hi Folks, Many years ago I designed and built a large trailer/wagon
to house a Tangley calliope. Part of the design was a group of scrolls
used to decorate it. I made molds from original carvings and then made
a bunch of fiberglass parts from the molds. Take a look at the attached
picture [below] and you can see the gold colored scrolls on the side of
the nice red trailer. I played the calliope in this wagon for many
years in local parades.
Recently the trailer has gone to the big circus parade in the sky but
I did remove the fiberglass decorations before it left. These parts
are now available for someone else to use. They are presently painted
yellow and are a bit scratched up, so they could use a clean-up and a
fresh coat of paint. Of course, there are an equal number on the other
side of the wagon, plus a few more on the front and back.
The original parts are shown on either side of the large opening in the
wagon. The other sizes were made by cutting a large scroll in certain
places and mounting the parts separately. There are about a dozen
large parts on each side plus six or eight medium size ones. And there
are a few smaller ones on the front and back. Total for both sides is
about three dozen large and medium sized parts plus at least one dozen
smaller ones.
If you had someone carve the larger ones it would cost well over $100
each -- even if they were roughed out by machine. Even just the wood
would be several hundred dollars. I'm looking to get $15 each for the
large/medium ones, which comes to a bit over $500. So I'd take $500
for the whole lot and I'll throw in all the small ones for free.
By the way, I still have the original molds I used to make the scrolls.
For another $100, you can have the molds, too.
Craig Smith
Rochester, New York
[ calliope wagon with gold scrolls
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/09/14/150914_074727_Wolf%20Calliope%20wagon%20s.jpg
[ large scrolls
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/09/14/150914_074727_moldings%20002%20s.jpg
[ large and medium size scrolls
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/09/14/150914_074727_moldings%20001%20s.jpg
[ scroll size
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/09/14/150914_074727_moldings%20003%20s.jpg