[ Ref. 150826 MMD, Ampico "A" Air Motor Governor Tempo Slide ]
Hi All, First, thank you to the people who have sent me information
about the Tempo slider. However, I have four sets of specifications and
all of them are different. So, if anyone else has access to an original
slider or measurements that they took before making a replacement,
please send them to me. So that you know what I need to get this part
right, here's a list of the measurements required.
Length - Overall Length of the piece
Width - Overall Width of the piece
Perimeter Hole - Diameter of the holes around the perimeter
Bleed Hole - Diameter of the hole
Space A - The space between the right edge of the bleed hole and the
left edge of the slot
Left Taper Edge - The distance from the left edge of the slot to the
right edge of the piece
Left Taper Width - The width of the large end of the slot
Slot Length - The overall length of the slot from the left edge of the
slot to the right edge of the large hole
Right Taper Width - The width of the slot at its narrowest point near
the large hole
Right Taper Edge - The distance from the narrowest point of the slot to
the right edge of the piece
Large Hole - The diameter of the large hole
Space B - The distance from the right edge of the large hole to the
right edge of the piece
Also, so there's no confusion about what I mean, I'm also sending a
picture that labels the various areas and distances.
Thanks you in advance for any help you can give me.
John A Tuttle
Brick, New Jersey, USA
john@player-care.com.geentroep [delete ".geentroep" to reply]
[ Ampico A Slider Legend
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/08/28/150828_210638_ampico-slider-legend.jpg