[ Ref. Ralph Nielsen in 150828 MMDigest ]
Hi Ralph, I don't know if it's common, but the CAD program I'm using
has a tracing feature that allows me to trace an image and then resize
the result to any desired dimension. So, I cropped and enlarged the
image you sent and drew in alignment marks to make sure everything was
a square as possible (see Ampico-A-original-slider-1.jpg). Then I used
that image as my template for tracing. Here are the numbers I got on
two separate attempts (slider-diagrams.jpg).
The only modification I made in the 'Modified' diagram was increasing
the space at the narrow end of the slot to 0.050" and them increasing
the length of the line at the wide end so it touched the curved lines.
With a fair amount of difficulty, I can change the arc of the curves
and narrow the wide end of the slot. However, as you can see, the
numbers I ended up with don't match up very well with the numbers you
John A Tuttle
Brick, New Jersey, USA
[ Ampico-A-original-slider-1.jpg
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/08/29/150829_194718_Ampico-A-original-slider-1.jpg
[ slider-diagrams.jpg
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/15/08/29/150829_194718_slider-diagrams.jpg