Hello! Recently I found a fantastic video featuring the late Robert
Heilbuth and his instruments, at https://vimeo.com/103496001
Now a question arises. What became of the pipe organ, the band organ
and all the music that Robert made for his collection of instruments?
(Please don't forget that he also made music for the Phonola push-up
piano player and the Celestina Organette...)
The legend says the pipe organ, which was bequeathed to Tim Tikker,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, had _three_ different roll players, each one
working on different sections of the organ, some information about
which can be found here:
But the other stuff -- where is it now?
Christofer Noering
Stockholm, Sweden
[ A different Heilbuth video is at
[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5At0FSdY7w4
[ MMDigest articles about Robert Heilbuth are indexed at
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Archives/KWIC/H/heilbuth.html
[ -- Robbie