In MMD 150429, Lester Wolff seeks advice on adjusting the Ampico B
reroll brake. From his description, it sounds as if the actual brake
(accurately described by Robbie in reference to the 1929 Service
Manual, page 49 as a "snubber type band brake") is operating correctly.
The likely problem is on the right-hand side of the spool box on the
supply spool axle, not the take-up spool. If you look at Figure 25
(Transmission) on page 46 of the manual, there is a curious omission in
the area at the top left of the illustration. Omitted is a depiction
of the sprocket gear which is mounted on a shaft which should be shown
extending through the Music Roll Play Brake drum (right-hand component
in Figure 26, page 48) and which is in turn, driven by the ladder
This sprocket gear also has an integral axial torque-limiting clutch,
and this is the component likely needing adjustment. The only
reference to this component is in the 4th sentence under "The Reroll
Brake" discussion on page 49 which calls it the "adjustable friction
clutch" responsible for determining the "tightness" in the paper layers
as it rewinds. Oddly, no procedure is given for adjusting this clutch.
In operation, this clutch allows the transmission motor to continue
turning the supply spool in reroll mode during the short period of
time the take-up spool is halted by action of the reroll (snubber)
brake. This tightens the paper layers in the music roll to the extent
allowed by the clutch adjustment.
In Lester's case, it sounds as if this clutch is not transmitting
enough torque to allow the music roll to continue rerolling after
the reroll brake has released its periodic grip on the take-up spool.
This will be most evident toward the end of the rerolling process for
larger, heavier rolls. This is why a "manual assist" is needed to
continue the rerolling.
The adjustment is relatively simple and straight-forward. While
gripping the sprocket gear with one hand, turn the knurled wheel of
the torque clutch clockwise with the other hand. This allows it to
transmit more torque to the supply spool axle. Tighten the clutch
in increments until a large, heavy roll will still be able to
continue rerolling after the "last" reroll braking event before the
tab comes off the take-up spool hook.
I have attached two illustrations which may help. The first [Ampico B
Missing Torque Clutch (Annotated).jpg] shows the area of Figure 25
where the missing sprocket gear and torque clutch should be shown.
The second illustration (Ampico Fig 25 Redrawn.jpg) shows the missing
components as I remember them without having a B drawer in front of me
for reference.
Though it's difficult to tell looking at Figure 19, the clutch
adjustment wheel may actually be on the left side of the sprocket gear
rather than the way I have shown it (on the right). Regardless, its
function and adjustment would still be as I have described it above.
John Grant