Just started work on our Cremona J coin piano action stack and
I found the valve stems were glued very thoroughly to the pouches,
so that in removing them I tore up several of the pouches and
damaged some others.
On the Cremona G we just completed the stems were either not glued
at all, depending on the threads for strength, or were only very
lightly glued, perhaps to prevent unscrewing.
My question is, what is good practice in this connection? When
I replace the valves,
(1) should I glue the stem-to-pouch connection so the stem is really
anchored? This will prevent re-shimming at a later date;
(2) should I tack glue it so it can be removed later to re-shim with no
fear of damage to the pouch? Or
(3) should I not glue it at all?
Thanks for your comments; I would like to do this properly.
Scotty Greene - DeBence Museum
Franklin, Pennsylvania