I have a Coinola Duplex Midget nickelodeon, which I purchased
at auction several decades ago. The case had been highly modified,
with the side panels and doors overlaid with some sort of wood sheets,
and wooden "cutouts" of various designs mounted on the sides and doors.
Since I have never yet seen an original one of these somewhat rare
and unusual machines, I am not really sure what it is supposed to look
like. I do not believe that the glass panels in the doors are original
either. I am also not sure if it was, or is mechanically complete,
although it did play weakly and intermittently when I got it.
I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who may have a Coinola
Duplex Midget. I would especially like to see some good photos, inside
and out.
Thanks a lot.
Bruce Miller
Issaquah, Washington
[ Photos of Don Teach's Midget Orchestrion Style "O" are at
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Gallery/Pictures/teach_Midget.html