Hi MMD, There has been a thread over the last several issues on the
type of tape that should be used in repairing piano rolls. It amazes
me how slowly information is spread throughout any field. I authored
a four-page article on piano roll repair in the AMICA Bulletin,
Sept/Oct 2009. The article goes into some detail on the several
different types of roll repair tape that were tried. I even tried
several types of imported tapes.
In the final analysis these exotic repair tapes were expensive and not
user friendly. Over a ten-year period I bought on eBay, repaired and
sold over 10,000 player piano rolls. All of those repairs were done
with Scotch Magic Mending Tape. I have in my personal collection rolls
that were repaired with Scotch tape over 30 years ago and the repairs
look like they were recently repaired.
Just don't use cheap cellophane tape -- it will turn yellow and
eventually fall off. Hope this helps.
Tom Hutchinson