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MMD > Archives > January 2015 > 2015.01.08 > 01Prev  Next

Seek Ampico Lhevinne Schultz-Evler Blue Danube
By John Wolbach


In MMD 150101, Deidre Dixon inquired: "I seek a copy of the Ampico recording
of Josef Lhénne playing the Schultz-Evler concert arrangement of the "Blue
Danube" Waltz."

Somewhere back around 1980, Play Rite Music Rolls issued a re-cut marked
AMPICO 67563 of the Shultz/Evler paraphrase of Strauss's Blue Danube
Waltz, played by Josef Lhénne.   I'm not sure if this was an original 
MIPCO roll, or was transferred from another format (Duo Art?)

Unfortunately, I'd like to hang on to my copy, as it makes a nice
contrast with the version played by Mischa Levitsky, roll #63233.
(That one is a Klavier re-cut from the same period, but made, I believe,
from the original AMPICO master roll.)   Either or both could be made
available for scanning if anyone is so inclined.

John Wolbach

(Message sent Thu 8 Jan 2015, 02:09:17 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Ampico, Blue, Danube, Lhevinne, Schultz-Evler, Seek

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