Regarding James Patrick's post in 141114 MMDigest, I have written
two articles in the MBSI Journal about the Arion; see Vol. 53, No. 3,
May/June 2007 and Vol. 57, No. 4, July/August 2011. These follow
Dr. Coulson Conn's 1995 MBSI Journal article on this subject.
My research suggests that the maker was Auguste Bornand-Golaz,
a Director of the Harmonia musical box company, who started making
the Arion when Harmonia ended its musical box manufacture and went
into making files.
Included in the second article are photos of six variations of the
Arion mechanism as well as a list of tune titles that I have found.
Barry Johnson makes reproduction Arion discs. He can be reached
at 1305 Hoover St., Menlo Park, CA 94025, tel.: 1-650-323-5268.
He does not have Internet access.
A list of 32 additional Arion titles was published in the MBSI
Journal, Vol. 58, No. 3, May/June 2012.
Musically yours,
Bill Wineburgh
Succasunna, New Jersey