Pianos with low hanging drawers _are_ a problem [141108 MMDigest].
I had a friend who couldn't get his legs under the drawer of his Ampico
"B" to play it by hand, so he put lifts under the legs like we have for
Mom & Dad's old bed. It was too low, for elderly folks like us -- bad
on our backs getting in and out. The lifts do the trick for any drawer
model piano.
A piano with an above keyboard spool box (there are several good
varieties to choose from, including Duo-Art) was more expensive to
manufacture, but whether there is printed information, words or just
the patterns of the music as it plays, the location above the keyboard
is easier to follow. Aeolian built ones in the 1930's that have
junction blocks to remove the top action, making it possible to easily
remove for servicing in less than five minutes.
Bruce Grimes