The Ampico primary chest is similar to a double-valve Standard or
Autopiano primary chest. Rebuilding basics are discussed on page 90
of "Player Piano Servicing and Rebuilding". When replacing the pouch
leather, it's important to use the correct amount of dish -- just
enough to provide a little gap between the pouch and valve button.
If the leather is dished all the way across the bottom of the pouch
well, the pouch won't have enough power.
For relatively small pouches in primary valve chests that originally
had pouch leather (i.e. all Ampico, Standard, and Autopiano), I now
recommend using pre-sealed pouch leather from Columbia Organ Leathers
and not applying any additional sealer of any kind. This will provide
maximum flexibility for soft playing levels. If necessary, adjust the
size of the bleed or vent holes for optimal repetition.
Art Reblitz