In response to Peter Clarke's quest for a Balfe roll of "Excelsior"
[141110 MMDigest], Mechanical Music Library Int'l., Inc., has an
original catalog titled
"Catalog of all 65 & 88-note Music Rolls Issued for the
Pianola and Pianola Piano Up to July, 1914, published by
The Orchestrelle Co., London."
In it is one entry for Balfe's "Excelsior": a 65-note accompaniment
roll marked "Duet for high and low voices." There is no mention of
this piece in any of the ten reproducing piano formats in Sitsky's
"Classical Reproducing Roll" 2-volume set published by Greenwood Press
in 1990. I hope this information will be of some help.
The non-profit Mechanical Music Library, Int'l., Inc., will be
described in more detail in a descriptive notice soon to come to MMD.
In the meantime, you can visit
for more information.
Bill Edgerton
Darien, Connecticut