Patrick, The Musical Box Society International has the Regina
records. If you send the serial number to Bob Yates he can send
you a certificate with the information you need. I think there is
a small fee. Write to Bob Yates at
[delete ".geentroep" to reply].
Craig Smith
P.S.: You mentioned that the museum is restoring a "Regina nickelodeon".
So I'm wondering just what sort of machine they actually have. Regina
made music boxes, but maybe this is a coin-operated music box rather
than a nickelodeon, which is usually a piano type instrument. Can you
please send a picture?
P.P.S.: By the way, restoring a music box is not the project for a
do-it-yourselfer. If the person responsible isn't familiar with music
box restoration, they might do well to ask for some help before they
make a very expensive mess.