[ Charles Davis wrote in 141031 MMDigest:
> I am researching the purchase of a 20-note Hofbauer crank organ
> soon. Can anyone tell me if there is a place where I can order
> more music rolls and what kind these might be (i.e. Raffin,
> Hofbauer, other compatible, etc.) which will work on this organ?
Assuming there is an actual roll-playing organ which you can buy,
be assured that virtually all 110 mm wide 20-note rolls will play
on the organ. (After about 1995 virtually all Hofbauer 20-ers used
electronic cartridges, not rolls.)
I would recommend looking at Melvyn Wright's offerings at
http://www.melright.com/busker He offers good service, prices, and
selection. There is a lot of good music available through others,
as well.
The spools are a different matter. Hofbauer used its own spool design,
and stopped producing them. It is not particularly difficult to adapt
the Raffin style spool, but it must be done with precision if the roll
is to play properly.
> Also, if needed in the future, where I might get repairs done?
Start here for self-service information if you can't find a friend who
knows how to fix it:
"Notes Relating to the Hofbauer 20 Note Paper Roll Organ"
Wallace Venable
[ MMD articles about Hofbauer and the Micro-box system are indexed at
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Archives/KWIC/H/hofbauer.html -- Robbie