"Blowin' in the Wind", a study about flute players automaton, by
Philippe Crasse. For automaton fans only? Not only! Positively,
a collector's item such as the large flute player automaton merits
further consideration.
With a teaser to solve in this story, we are not bored. Have a close
relationship with manufacturers from the 19th and discover what seems
to be an injustice... The book is available at
Eve Chaillat - Le Ludion
Toulouse, France
[ "Blowin' in the Wind - A l'Ecoute des Automates flûtistes", by
[ Philippe Crasse (2014). A monograph about flute automatons
[ through the ages, and a comparative study of surviving pieces
[ by Alexandre-Nicolas Théroude and Jean Roullet. Text in French
[ and English. Ref. http://www.leludion.com/pag_actu/livre.htm
[ -- Robbie