Corralling the wandering roll!
Hi MMD, As I indicated in my last submission there is a solution
to a piano roll that wanders from side to side as it plays. However,
the solution is not an instant one and will take one to two weeks.
Paper has a memory but you can change it's mind. First I should
point out that rolls that possess this problem are the result of
improper care at some point in the rolls past. Someone did not tap
the paper down against the right driver flange and did not snug the
paper down tight. They did not put some sort of retaining device on
the roll to keep it from unrolling. All of these steps should be
taken before the roll is put back in the box. I have to confess to
most of the above sins.
Now, to reprogram the rolls memory follow these steps. As you
are tightening the paper on the core pay close attention to the
edge against the drive or right flange. It helps to tap the right
flange against a hard surface while you are tightening the paper.
If necessary pull of the left or idler flange and inspect that end
for any portion of the roll that did not roll properly.
Once you have determined that you have a good reroll tighten the roll
down to the point to where it squeaks. Then put on a good strong
rubber band so the roll cannot unwind. _Then put it away for one week!_
Don't be tempted to peek -- to do so is to undo all your work. Usually
one week in solitary is sufficient. If one week doesn't do it repeat
the process. I personally have had a lot of success with this
Happy roll straightening,
Tom Hutchinson