Dear friends of all over the world, Here is the new La SeriNET No 91
in English with its videos about Mechanical Music.
Let us show you that the magazine "Musiques Mécaniques Vivantes" bears
its name properly. "Vivantes" means alive, and what is more alive that
to let you hear and see the instruments playing while reading about
them ?
We often find ideas of videos in the Mechanical Music Digest (MMD) web
site and we would like once more thank the whole team for its planetary
The way the site is controlled is a good guarantee for quality and
friendship. Don't forget the "Archives" where you can get a quick
answer to your questions, as your "centre of interest of the moment"
has probably been "the center of interest" of some one in the world
before and therefore has left its print in the Archives.
Here is our quarterly offering:
- A must: the Great Dorset Steam Fair: fair organs but also those
amazing power full traction engines;
- A false street organ, we must confess, but with such an alive monkey,
fascinating children;
- A set of Thibouville-Lamy organettes with 16, 24, 36, 37, 38 keys
playing beautifully;
- A very tiny music box playing with great emotion the "Clair de lune"
of Debussy;
- An hexacopter ballet plays very well: <<Thus spoke Zarathoustra>>
of Richard Strauss (2001 : A Space Odyssee of Stanley Kubrick) and the
American Hymn. You must hear; it is remarkable!
- A Zilotone -- There is such a long time you didn't listen to one!
- Guy Hoffman and his robot play the jazz hit "Jordu";
- The Charming Bird: the first singing bird automata wristwatch;
- Three videos of our crackpot friends;
And lots of various videos at
Enjoy and <<renvoyez l'ascenseur>> I do not know if the expression
exists in English; it means "return the elevator [to this floor]",
meaning if you have videos to promote, do not hesitate to send them
to us.
Bons souvenirs de France!
Jean Nimal