Hi all, two days ago I identified the two songs from the early roll
6509-A as posted here already, (one unknown, the other misidentified):
tune 2 as "Parfum d'Amour = Love's Perfume" by S.R. Henry, and tune 8,
which was misidentified as "The Flower Of Italy", as "You Kissed Me"
by Charles K. Harris. That's besides the point, though. These early
Wurlitzer 165 rolls are very intriguing to me and also very well
arranged, but there's still many missing rolls!
2014 marks the 100th anniversary of the Wurlitzer 165 band organ and
I am convinced that, before 2015 'rolls' around(!), we can find at
least _one_ other 'not known to exist' roll. This is the point where
many would chime in and say, "Well, how? Everything's been searched up
and down, left and right, and _nothing_ has been found!"
In reality, that's not at all true. Rumors float around, some things
are kept quiet, and things (both rolls _and_ organs) are still hiding
in barns! Many would also say that in the 'very early days', Wurlitzer
only manufactured the Style 165 band organs, and all of the 'very early
ones', besides the organ that was owned by Jim Wells, 'do not exist'
(which again, is debatable), but organs that always seem to be overlooked
in terms of rolls are conversions.
If your 165 roll playing organ was converted by Wurlitzer between the
years of 1914 and 1923, and you have at least one green paper roll,
_please_ do not hesitate to at least look at what is on it and contact
me, and if possible, a recording would be deeply appreciated as
occasionally, rolls are put in the wrong box.
Even if after 1923, you could still have a missing roll, Seabreeze Park
at one time had rolls from 1916, although their organ was built in the
1930s -- you never know!
Finding more rolls will only deepen the variety of 165 music that in my
opinion are some of the finest music you can find on any automatic
Mikey Mills