Quoting from "The Ampico Reproducing Piano", edited by Richard J. Howe,
on page 287:
"... Delcamp ... listened to old rolls on new player. He was not
at all pleased ... It looks like we have a big problem in making
the new player take old rolls."
This comes from the notes Dr. Hickman kept on his desk calendar in
November 1926. He was discussing how in some cases "A" coded rolls
just don't sound good on the "B" piano.
This is the reason I seek a "B" coded version of Islamey, 62993.
I really don't think the "B" version exists, but I want to make sure
before I go to all the work to re-code the roll. So far, no one has
come up with the "B" version.
To properly re-code an "A" roll, many tasks have to be completed.
Obviously the task is not simple or Ampico would have re-coded all their
better rolls after the "B" system was introduced. The "Islamey" roll
has many passages that play a full volume, and that is the area that
often fails on "B" pianos when playing "A" rolls. Without proper
coding, the "B" plays many of these passages at only 50% volume.
I urge all MMDers to keep searching and let me know if a "B" version
surfaces. Absent that find, I plan to start re-coding the roll this
fall. I've done this before on roll 55447, Chopin's "Scherzo in B flat
minor," played by Theodore Henrion, and the results were most rewarding.
I sold out that roll years ago as only 30 were made.
Thanks to all who have responded both on and off the list.
Bob Taylor