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MMD > Archives > June 2014 > 2014.06.10 > 04Prev  Next

FS: Home-built Orchestrion in Colorado
By Gene Harper

For sale: home built orchestrion, needs a good home and some TLC!
This orchestrion was built here in Denver about 25 years ago with the
help of Dick Kroeckel.  The piano was based on an Adam Schaaf player
piano.  It was rebuilt with new strings, pins, hammers and dampers.
The original stack was also rebuilt at that time.  The remainder of
the case and doors were built out of mahogany and beautifully finished
to match the original mahogany piano cabinet.

The upper doors are complete with new custom made stained glass panels.
The upper cabinet assembly needs a small repair and a better method of
attachment to the piano cabinet in the front.  The lower door frame
assembly is built and finished but only one of the three stained glass
panels are completed.  There is a layout pattern for the remaining
lower stained glass panels.

Other than the crash cymbal which was never connected, all the
instruments played very nicely in the past.  The unit has been sitting
for some time and for whatever reason, the triangle, tambourine and
block are not operating but all the other instruments are, although the
stack appears to be leaking so the piano sounds a bit anemic.  A later
unit valve Amphion stack is available which needs to be rebuilt but is
a better quality unit.

Components include: New "Coinola" electric model O-roll frame from the
Player Piano Co., with 12 new "O" rolls, glockenspiel, violin pipes,
flute pipes, bass drum with cymbal and tympani beaters, crash cymbal,
(not connected), tambourine, wood block, triangle, snare drum, mandolin
attachment and rebuilt Duo-Art vacuum pump.

This orchestrion is in a basement and will require some disassembly
to move it out.  $1500.00 or best offer.  For additional information
please contact

Gene Harper
Arvada, Colorado
tel.: 1-720-341-5606 (Gene Harper)


(Message sent Wed 11 Jun 2014, 02:06:52 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Colorado, FS, Home-built, Orchestrion

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